Friday 9 May 2014

Scott Innes

"Scott Innes, an accomplished singer, songwriter and musician originally heralded from the small town of Stirling in Scotland. It was there that he learnt the fine art of crafting powerful yet distinctive emotional songs, a testament to his upbringing and life experiences."

I've been following Scott's musical journey for a little while now and he never fails to satisfy. Recording and releasing numerous demos from within his studio, he is a gifted singer/songwriter with uniquely personal lyrics make nearly every song he writes relatable too by anybody, in some way, shape or form.

His strong, dynamic vocals and skilfully structured songs distinguish him from many other male singer songwriters. With a strong ability to write catchy pop songs and an equally strong, marketable image to match, it is well worth following his creative and captivating musical journey. Check out some of Scott's tracks below as well as a live acoustic video. 

Check back here for up and coming live dates.

Scott Innes Official Website
Scott Innes Facebook
Twitter @ScottInnesMusic

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