Tuesday 10 September 2013

An Introduction

‘Sir’ (now 'Dolce Beats' is a modern gentleman’s lifestyle journal that has been created not only to inspire but also provide detailed and interesting articles with relevance to the interests of today’s refined gentleman. This includes the latest music news, current fashion and style, key nutrition and fitness tips, all from industry relevant professionals.

This blog will include interviews with some amazing and fascinating people as well as guest writers, sharing their knowledge that they have mastered along their own individual journeys to success. 

suc·cess (sk-ss)
1. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

Recently success has been defined more and more by the desire of fame or level of wealth, while this might have an element of truth, this is not the only truth, and what people are forgetting is that success encompasses boundless prosperities. Success is viewed entirely differently from person to person, this is because there is no unequivocal truth when it comes to success, it is simply actioning on something in which you aspire to accomplish. Success is essentially, being happy with whatever you wish to achieve in life wether it be a short term project, like a work or a uni project, or a more long term goal, like creating a family. After all, like the Dali Lama said, "the purpose of our lives is to be happy".

Happiness is hard to measure but is something that everyone seeks, it is hard to determine what happiness is because different people have different understandings and perceptions of how they may wish to obtain this peace of mind. Can happiness be measured by material objects, a new car? or bigger house perhaps? or are these merely status symbols that make other individuals assume that person is happy? Can money deliver happiness, or does it simply mask emotions? Does money mean your happy? For example you may be happy that you received a pay rise at work and you have that extra money, but then after a while you become accustom to this new found lifestyle and are in seek of another pay rise to be able to fund your life. Thus always chasing more money to seek happiness rather than being truly happy with what you have at any one moment. Being compassionate with others is key when trying to attain happiness, not only do you make someone else feel better but in return you feel a lot more content with yourself in doing so. Happiness is something that comes from your own actions, so don't wait around for other people to be happy for you, create your own happiness.

Through following this blog, and the amazing articles that are scheduled to be shared with you, I hope it will inspire to help you along your own path to success and happiness. 

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