Friday 11 October 2013

An Interview with Ralphonze

The popularity of House music is on the up, with it becoming made increasingly attractive with artists like Disclosure and Bondax amongst many others paving the way to mainstream success. Earlier on this month I had the privilege to speak with the promising, and talented, London based, house music DJ that is 'Ralphonze' and here is what he had to say.

What have you noticed about the rise of house music’s popularity?
I think it's great in a way. The thing with house music is that it's always been with us in full force, it just goes up and down in popularity like other genres do I suppose - it's always been there and people have always been doing their thing on the underground.
It's like skateboarding (and everything else for that matter), it becomes popular every 6 years or so and it picks up a new wave of youngn's and the people who truly love it stick about forever and make it stronger. The others who just jumped on it for the sake of it get filtered out when the next fad pops up. Am I making any sense?!

What projects have you been working on in the studio?
At the moment I've been concentrating almost exclusively on DJing for a long time and that's by far what's most important to me at the moment. Recently though I've had a lot of ideas for music that I need to get around to actually doing, so I do intend to get the ball rolling at some point soon.

What kind of things are inspiring you at the moment, those external influences?
Umm, I think I'd have to just drop a few DJs names here so I'll go with some of my heroes.. Move D and Floating Points are just incredible at what they do I think so I often turn to them for influence. 
Also some of the DJs I've seen this summer play a big part in how I've been inspired. These would include Move D and Floating Points. Also Omar S, George Fitzgerald, Marcellus Pittman, Carl Craig, Giles Smith. 
I really like what Lorca does too, he's great and really on point with what he does. I used to see him play a lot when I lived down in Brighton. Great DJ and great producer.
I also love Local Talk as a Label and Secretsundaze as an event.

Are there any differences in terms of the music scene from London to Brighton?
Hmm.. they are farely similar I think but if I had to answer I'd say Brighton was a little bit friendlier but maybe that's just because it's alot smaller? London can be super friendly too. Difficult question.

What do you use to produce your music?
I like Reason best but I also use Logic too. When I listen back to the bits and pieces I've made over the past few years, the things I made in Reason always seem to have a bit more bite to them, although Logic can be easier to work with.
I also use various midi keyboards and an Akai MPD-24 which is great.

Are there any artists that you would want to collaborate with?
None in mind at the moment as I'm not all that focused on producing at the moment but I'd love to DJ alongside some of the people I mentioned earlier and more.

Any advice you would like to offer to up-and-coming DJs ?
For the DJs I'd say just take your time. Don't expect to be playing out for at least 3 or 4 years so don't rush or force it. I think you learn alot whilst actually playing out so that's part of the process, even when you start playing out you're still a beginner if you see what I mean?
Also when you're buying music don't try and only buy things that work together as part of a set. Go entirely on how it comes across on individual merit. If you do that and you do it properly, and after a anticipated while your choices will all start to slot together nicely. I think that's the best way to get the tightest song selection.
Don't rush. All of the greatest DJs took their time.

What position would you like to be in this time next year?
I think just DJing as much as possible. I want my record collection to be even better, which it undoubtedly will. I'd also like to throw some pretty decent parties too, which also takes time and patience. So look out for that!

Check out Ralphonze's social links below and keep an eye out for Promo Mix 2, due to be released shortly.
DJ Bookings: 

Sunday 22 September 2013

Anth Lowther - Rainbow City. Love is the key

I have learnt anything is possible.
Love is the key. Understanding love and truth are in direct alignment with each other is essential.  With love we can create something absolutely incredible on a whole new level for earth and every single thing on it, and we could do it really quick if enough of us recognise this truth and live by it. I don’t look for anyone outside myself to do this, do it yourself, thus overcoming all levels of fear and doubt in one ultimately truth focussed moment / shift. Its about truly understanding and stepping into what i believe our test of many lifetimes is and that we, the people, are at a time when we are about to do something incredible as a collective species. I choose to do all i can to hold this vibration of love strong against the tide of the old world and the fear and greed habits and programmes, which are really engrained tight in alot of people still. But there has been a huge shift, and now is the time, after the 2012 energy shift, to really give it all i am in the direction of love for all things. Since i have committed to this more conscious life direction, ive really understood and felt the power of both karma and sense of purpose on a profound level and with that came a deep understanding of the connection between true human nature and our highest potential being both linked and based within a ‘love for all’ thought pattern. Its actually obvious and we all know this deep down and always have. It’s the highest version of ourselves that we can choose to be in this reality. We are connected with each other and all things, every single thought we have and choice we make directly affects our reality by prompting us to take actions based on these very thoughts. Choosing to harness this power of love as a species, creating a world that works for all, would see miraculous changes for us all and the planet, constantly….. forever. Love can unite us all, at the core of our beings. We can all still be as individual as we want from that core understanding and connection, which of course we will be. Every snowflake and grain of sand is unique. Nothing that exists is the same. This new way of being, in correlation with our technological advancements, will give birth to an advanced species of loving humans that then will enter into the new galactic age, for love is the key, the entrance into a new world, and world peace is the start point for that.

With this understanding and thrust, myself and my angel girlfriend, aim to help contribute to world peace and do all we can in that direction with no fear, doubt or worry in our decision making process.
We aim to build a community, where everybody is healthy and loves and has an understanding of what i am talking about. Harnessing the power of love from nature. I need as many brothers and sisters who hear my call now to do all they can to help this message of love for all.
This is rainbow city packaged as an “understandable cool brand.” aims to remind as many brothers and sisters of the truth of the harness-able love energy through a few key areas;
It is predominantly focused on 4 main areas;
1, On a true connection to nature through awareness of high vibrational foods that boost the body machine to the maximum whilst not harming anything in the process, but actually having a beneficial footprint, if even only a tiny bit, on the planet itself and therefore everything that lives on the planet. This is eating with love and being consciously aware of that, which is incredible for karma. It does mean dropping some serious habits and many addictions in most cases.  Raw food veganism is that, its eating with love awareness in your heart at every meal. Love for yourself, all animals and the eart itself. Its highest vibrational. Knowing it’s not a diet, its a way of life, and understanding that every decision you make has an effect on this reality, and taking full responsibility as a human.
This mixed with 2, regular yoga, which is a super healthy cleansing focused based feminine way to train. Ive trained a lot since a very young age and it has definitely had by far the most profound affect on me , beyond the physical. Yoga reflects your life journey. It’s a high vibrational form of self love that has a serious positive impact on all humans we have seen stick to it so far. And it gets better, quicker the longer you can focus on it. All forms of training if mixed with a healthy diet are expansive for the body. But we have found yoga to have a direct connection in and on our lives on a much deeper level.
3, the power of focusing on impeccable positive thinking.
4, recognising a law of the universe that is as potent as gravity but alot less obvious, called KARMA.

These are the main aspects we base our relatable brand to, but its linked to a much bigger more beautiful picture of the truth of our reality.

its the most exciting time to be on this planet ever.

Anth Lowther
Rainbow Warrior

Tuesday 10 September 2013

An Introduction

‘Sir’ (now 'Dolce Beats' is a modern gentleman’s lifestyle journal that has been created not only to inspire but also provide detailed and interesting articles with relevance to the interests of today’s refined gentleman. This includes the latest music news, current fashion and style, key nutrition and fitness tips, all from industry relevant professionals.

This blog will include interviews with some amazing and fascinating people as well as guest writers, sharing their knowledge that they have mastered along their own individual journeys to success. 

suc·cess (sk-ss)
1. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

Recently success has been defined more and more by the desire of fame or level of wealth, while this might have an element of truth, this is not the only truth, and what people are forgetting is that success encompasses boundless prosperities. Success is viewed entirely differently from person to person, this is because there is no unequivocal truth when it comes to success, it is simply actioning on something in which you aspire to accomplish. Success is essentially, being happy with whatever you wish to achieve in life wether it be a short term project, like a work or a uni project, or a more long term goal, like creating a family. After all, like the Dali Lama said, "the purpose of our lives is to be happy".

Happiness is hard to measure but is something that everyone seeks, it is hard to determine what happiness is because different people have different understandings and perceptions of how they may wish to obtain this peace of mind. Can happiness be measured by material objects, a new car? or bigger house perhaps? or are these merely status symbols that make other individuals assume that person is happy? Can money deliver happiness, or does it simply mask emotions? Does money mean your happy? For example you may be happy that you received a pay rise at work and you have that extra money, but then after a while you become accustom to this new found lifestyle and are in seek of another pay rise to be able to fund your life. Thus always chasing more money to seek happiness rather than being truly happy with what you have at any one moment. Being compassionate with others is key when trying to attain happiness, not only do you make someone else feel better but in return you feel a lot more content with yourself in doing so. Happiness is something that comes from your own actions, so don't wait around for other people to be happy for you, create your own happiness.

Through following this blog, and the amazing articles that are scheduled to be shared with you, I hope it will inspire to help you along your own path to success and happiness.